What did they eat: Pirates — Salt and Sinew

A Renaissance Writer
7 min readApr 27, 2020
Edward Teach (Blackbeard)

Few groups have been as romanticised as pirates. Between their outings on the silver screen, their adventures in books and television, as well as the enduring allure of a life on the high seas, pirates have become cultural icons. Names like Blackbeard, Jack Rackham, William Kidd, Black Bart, Barbarossa, Charles Vane, Mary Read and Anne Bonny, to name just a few, have continued to enchant us to this day.

During the Golden Age of Piracy, roughly from 1650–1730, pirates scoured the West Indies, many growing rich as buccaneers and privateers, essentially a practice of state sanctioned piracy. The English used this method of naval warfare to hamper Spanish growth in the Americas and profit from their vast treasure fleets. Many pirates began life as buccaneers and privateers, but often in name only. They’d frequently attack any ship they came across, no matter the flag they flew.

Piracy attracted a diverse range of individuals, from adolescents to the middle-aged, pirates were essentially violent criminals on the sea. Many of them were young sailors who turned to piracy. Some joined involuntarily, essentially becoming slaves after being captured during a raid, while others were disillusioned labourers from the rural areas of their home countries, driven to a life of crime by crushing debt and land reforms. In truth, the life of pirate was hard and…



A Renaissance Writer

I love all things Italian Renaissance, cooking and writing. I can often be found reading, drinking espresso and working on too many things at once